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2. Pilih Rancangan/Tata Letak
3. Tambah Gadget/Add Gadget Pilih HTML JAVA SCRIPT
4. Masukan Script Berikut Di dalamnya
<style type="text/css">
* html #at{position:relative;}
border:2px solid #7FFF00;
background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh1mXvsRBZEoanQ0zisvbC03OBv4p88_u1LHWjNvkHJyghQAVYC3PTWJy4i1jghKnbmdwPSgQjjJJS3_lcB72k8ai9fSorUKJ5OFUXDb8gOVfh6FQJOG1a-vkGEiuPMR4P28Fi24ACoy13Z/)#000000 repeat-x bottom center scroll;
border:2px solid #fff;
background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh1mXvsRBZEoanQ0zisvbC03OBv4p88_u1LHWjNvkHJyghQAVYC3PTWJy4i1jghKnbmdwPSgQjjJJS3_lcB72k8ai9fSorUKJ5OFUXDb8gOVfh6FQJOG1a-vkGEiuPMR4P28Fi24ACoy13Z/)#000000 repeat-x bottom center scroll;
<script type="text/javascript">
function showHideAT(){
var at = document.getElementById("at");
var w = at.offsetWidth;
at.opened ? moveAT(0, -200-w) : moveAT(20-w, 0);
at.opened = !at.opened;
function moveAT(x0, xf){
var at = document.getElementById("at");
var dx = Math.abs(x0-xf) > 25 ? 35 : 1;
var dir = xf>x0 ? 1 : -1;
var x = x0 + dx * dir;
at.style.top = x.toString() + "px";
if(x0!=xf){setTimeout("moveAT("+x+", "+xf+")", 10);}
<div id="at">
<div class="attab" onclick="showHideAT()"> </div>
<div class="atcontent">
<div align="center">
<div style="background:url(http://i53.tinypic.com/oiu4n9.gif) no-repeat;">
--> Kode Cbox Disini <--
<br />
<div align="right"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showHideAT()"><img border="0" src="http://i859.photobucket.com/albums/ab159/yudhizh/ButtonCloseWhite-BlackStroke.png" alt="close" title="Click here to Close Cbox" /></a></div>
<div align="left"><font size="2"><a href="http://www.uttafreak-987.co.cc/2011/04/cara-membuat-buku-tamu-blog-showhide-di.html"target=_blank"><div style="color: #444444;">
<span style="font-size: xx-small;">By Utta</span></div></a></font></div>
<center><a href="javascript:void(0);"onclick="showHideAT()"/><img border="0" src="http://i54.tinypic.com/ztj9zl.png" alt="cbox" title="Click here to open Guest Book" /></a></center>
<script type="text/javascript">
var at = document.getElementById("at");
at.style.top = (-200-at.offsetWidth).toString() + "px";
5. Save...
Note ::
- Yang berwarna hijau adalah URL background kembang api dan kode warna backgroundnya (*Background dapat diganti sesuai selera sobat)
- Yang Berwarna biru adalah background cbox.
- Tang berwarna merah ganti dengan kode Cbox.
- Dan yangberwarna orange adalah URL icon tombol.
Jgn Lupa Lihat Juga Artikel Ini :
1. 'Cara Membuat Buku Tamu Blog Tanpa Di Klik Terbuka'
2. ' Buku Tamu Bergaya Absolute Vertical Sliding Panel'
Cukup sekian tutorialnya,, maaf atas segala kesalahan dan kekurangan. Saya harapkan sarannya untuk memperbaikin kesalahan dan kekurangan penulisan ini.
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